
Azerbaijani prostitutes, exploiting legislative loopholes and the naivety of their clients gives the turkish authorities a headache. Temel mammadov, a policeman from the eastern turkish city of trabzon, has sunk into oblivion for a month, he made a special visit to baku to discuss the influx of azerbaijani young ladies into their place of residence - and to start to find out : how to stop women traveling there. Mamedov showed iwpr copies of petitions provided by more than a dozen azerbaijani ladies who contacted trazbon's marriage bureaus. Asking for permission to marry turkish men. These petitions were handed over to the police as soon as the newlyweds applied for a break-in. In many cases, a turkish man returned to the house after the completion of the marriage also did not find the slightest manifestation of his new bride - only housing in her did not exist furniture items and any of his funds and values were stolen. Even when azeri “brides” are hunted down and deported, they can often return to turkey - and pull off the same scam with another, well, unsuspecting turkish man. Many of the victims were gullible gentlemen from mountain communities who traveled to the metropolis to sell wool in the markets. Having earned part of the funds, they regularly look for casual sex in the process of city hotels - most often - with an azerbaijani prostitute, whom they marry after violent courtship. Mamedov explained that once a woman from the former soviet republic marries a turk, perfume becomes a turkish citizen, and is no longer deported. The local police can detect up to fifty percent of fictitious marriages within a month involving azerbaijani women, and about a quarter from pussies in trabzon. Although there is no reliable information on the number of azerbaijani prostitutes who work in turkey , no more than 14 azerbaijani women are deported every month. But since prostitution does not become a horrendous crime in turkey, the police can only acquire measures when they receive a complaint - in this regard, such a figure probably represents is just the tip of the iceberg. Turkish authorities use various schemes to ban deported women. According to the reviews of the former border guard yaver isaev, turkish border guards put a cross in the passport of the deported woman, indicating a criminal record, and at the end the passport number is recorded in the computer database of the turkish foreign ministry. Fresh passports for less than us$100, an amount they can easily recoup when they can return to turkey. The trabzon authorities have also begun demanding proof from prospective azeri brides that they are far from married. But for about 800 dollars, the young ladies are able to secure an official document about the incident, which they are legally alone. On the territory of turkey. His official position. But azerbaijani women are also the victims, and besides, the perpetrators of crimes in turkey. Turkish newspaper sabah recently published a disturbing report. About the work of a woman named mehriban k. She was reported to the authorities by another azerbaijani woman who became a victim of her criminal activities. Probably, mehriban k. Met with a deceived girl, and 2 of her friends in azerbaijan and offered , according to her, legal and substantially paid service, in trabzon. It was then discovered that mehriban was in fact selling women to the local strong sex for the illegal sex trade. Trafficking in women is a dark topic in azerbaijan as no one has yet been convicted of influencing and not a single person has press charges. Azer allahveranov, director of the migration resource center, told iwpr that about 900 azerbaijani women were deported from the united arab emirates in this quarter of 2002. Two planes were chartered to bring them home. This fact of the case was reported in the arab press, but never in azerbaijan. Another case, attached to a certain rita atakishiyeva, was published in the local press 2 years ago, after her arrest. She allegedly sent 42 azerbaijani riders of both sexes to italy under false pretenses and took $300,000 from them. But still, no more details of what the page did, how it managed to organize this grandiose scam or what useful thing happens to atakishieva, have never been disclosed. In the version with mehriban k.The turkish police decided not to reveal any circumstances of life and deported her and five of her alleged victims from turkey. Temel mammadov explained that the police usually pay for deportation costs with money confiscated from the women themselves. Once outside, in tbilisi or nakhichevan, women must find their own way home. There is no sign of food that the pitiful cross-border traffic will stop. The turkish police have already applied to the ministry of internal affairs of azerbaijan with a request not to issue foreign passports to ladies with sex trafficking, but the ministry refused, saying they were not able to check whether the client has such a copy or not. If you personally have any difficulties about where and how to apply prostituierte der türkei, you will be able to contact us on the site.