you don't specifically explain what the end goal of this is, to help i can give a couple of tips here based on a hunch: you want to change your wallpaper under special conditions (for example, one background every time you reboot your gadget or to apply a custom file as a wallpaper. In windows 7, wallpapers usually reside in %appdata%\microsoft windows\themes\transcodedwallpaper. In windows ten you can explore the package in %appdata%\microsoft windows \themes\cachedfiles. You still get a chance to order a registry at , But you should pay close attention to the software notices below, which is not completely write video to disk space! If you want to make your own cmd script, it can be unreliable, in a situation where you install a non-windows wallpaper, but from an external program. For example, if i see a beautiful picture in my current browser, i set it as wallpaper directly from there. All for irfanview. I can easily name 10 more common programs that can change pictures to an arbitrary path. Please note that some programs change the wallpaper without actually writing the video to disk space. The easiest way to do this is to connect to a microsoft windows desktop window and draw directly on its canvas. Here's how the gif/avi animation is drawn on it. There's another problem if you're creating your own script: if you're working with photos that don't have the same aspect ratio as your table or when changing the desktop resolution? The solution (if i understood your questions correctly) could be to use this software, like john's background switcher or bionix desktop background changer. The latter is much more customizable and can be controlled using the command line. It also has auto-detection to determine the best way to resize an image (fill/fit/tile). Bionix can also draw gifs without writing addiction to disk space (as explained above). It would be even better to use the “lock folder” option. Set bionix to change wallpaper every 60 seconds (don't worry, cars wallpapers you won't have to see a new wallpaper every 60 seconds because you're using one file). Set up bionix to block any folder (say c:\wallpapers). In this folder you place one video with the name, for example my wallpaper.Jpg. Bionix will apply this file as wallpaper every 60 seconds. Now, whenever you want to change screensavers, you replace the old my wallpaper.Jpg file with the new one. Bionix will see the changes made by the patient to the directory and apply the new file (within 60 seconds).