
See current north american armor thread to cross-check costume names. Please note that certain costumes are full-figure pieces and can never be subdivided into interchangeable pieces. Screenshots melon gallery: https://picasaweb.Google.Com/113686140302726385788 keroara gallery: https://picasaweb.Google.Com/102343876178268259639 Disclaimer: these screenshots are not taken by me . Some costumes from the gallery get the opportunity not to be included in the fantasy set. Costume modifications that are included in such a package are automatically created by dn-na and dn-cn clients. Do not request custom costumes. Info mods generated with: - dn-costumes-tools-v12 - dn-na v33 - dn- cn v89 These mods allow you to replace certain parts of the costume with components from a different set of costumes. The format of each mod is “resource00-*your-costume-part*-*custom-suit-part*.Pak”. It should be remembered that most of these mods are not tested, especially those that do not belong to the correct class (ar = archer, cl = cleric, so = sorceress, wa = warrior). Don't ask for a “fix” for a non-state class costume! These costume modification packs were created using “dn-costumes-tools”. For more information on how to build your own custom mods see this thread Installation instructions (feel free to modify the instructions normally to include version numbers for zip codes) 1) download the costume set for the toy animal costume/part you want to replace the graphics for. 2) unpack the zip directory and open the folder. 3) decide which costume parts to use for the spectator personal costume (one wing , helmet, torso, boots, glove and mp3 for legs, dragon nest nude plus two parts of the weapon). In the “screenshots” category above there are photo galleries of how comfortable each suit is (the names of the parts of the suit are prefixed in the url/image caption). 4) copy the .Pak files to the dragon nest installation directory (eg “c :/program files/nexon/dragon nest/”) 5) download the file “dn-costumes-v#-resources-cn.Zip” and extract the information .Pak to the dragon nest installation directory. Remember this step, otherwise you will be able to easily and easily see the floating head! 6) launch the dragon nest and put on the swapped costume (by default, remove all elements of your costume). 7) exit the dragon nest and mix-and-match for now you won't be happy ^_^ note: don't be lazy to uninstall all add-ons before updating the game, otherwise the update process may get messed up (and we'll also have to reinstall the dragon nest) ! Faq what is it in layman's terms? These are version sculpting tools that replace your in-game character costume with a custom one. All costumes used will already live in the games - these mods change certain costumes in order to use a variety of skin files (and of course, graphics) of the costume at an exclusive preference. Is this legal? Any of the mods listed are for you, so the drugs work most often on the fact that you see (but not on the nuance that others see). Apart from the fact that they organize your character in the most comfortable / cool / cute / etc. They do not degrade the real game. From what i've heard, nexon doesn't approve of client mods, but historically hasn't banned us all (except vindictus, who apparently got banned for using nude mods). Needless to say, what do you use these phobia mods and he ;p How do you know how comfortable each mod is? Some believe that the simple method is to watch the latest series in the posted photo gallery. By melon here (the name of the costume is given in the title of the image and/or the url of the image file). Otherwise it is possible to use dnmodelbrowser or sagethumbs which are made with “dn-costume-tools”. How do i modify my current costume? At the moment only these packages provide graphic replacements for weapons, default costumes, and games at the dn-na checkout store. In order to replace the graphics of your current in-game costume, you should change the clan tag, increase the rank or rank, change the nickname and re-run the scripts in “dn-costumes-tools/scripts/”, in order to create all applications for certain suit's personal .Skn files. And to know the .Skn file name of your costume, see the dncostumerenamer section here. Can you make me a custom xxx costume? No. Use the request sub-forums, this will give me a better chance of following the guides and founding it on my own. Suit mod file xxx.Pak is broken! I haven't tested most of these .Paks because there are so many. A lot of. I don't have wings or hats either, so i can't test the mod for this kind of two-piece (although, in case you feel generous, feel free to mail majestyca to the argenta server in dn-na). Please let me fully own the information no matter what, and i will remove them from the costume pack downloads (until a workaround is discovered).